
The purpose of the Reserve collection is to provide increased access to materials in high demand. Reserve circulation is limited to short loan periods, ranging from one hour to one week. Items with periods of less than 24 hours must stay in the library. Items placed on Reserve should be limited to required reading, viewing, or listening only.

Before placing a course reserves request, please consider making content available digitally through Canvas. A good way to do this is to provide links to books or articles that can be found in the SPU catalog and databases. Always use Persistent Links when doing this (to avoid copyright violations). Please see our guide for how to locate Persistent Links

Library-owned materials may be placed on Reserve. Faculty are encouraged to collect these items from the stacks, and bring them to the front desk. For assistance, contact the Front Desk at

  • Materials owned by faculty can also be placed on Reserve.
  • Barcodes and labeling will be applied to faculty owned materials.
  • The Library cannot be responsible for other damage the items may receive due to increased use. Faculty may retrieve personal Reserve materials from the library at the end of the quarter.
  • Materials not picked up will be returned via campus mail.

Please allow at least 1 business day for the items you wish to place on reserve to be processed.

You may submit your reserve requests through our online form below. If you have any questions or need alternative submission options, contact the Front Desk at or 206-281-2228


What types of materials can be put on Reserve?
The Library can place books, media (CDs, DVDs, etc.), and photocopies of written materials on Reserve. Source materials for photocopies must be owned by either the SPU Library or the faculty person placing the item on Reserve. In accepting material for Reserve, the Library assumes that the copy has been made in compliance with the Fair Use provision of Section 107 of the Copyright Law.

What types of material cannot be put on Reserve?
Books or material borrowed from other libraries or video stores cannot be placed on Reserve. Neither can items that are in direct violation of U.S. Copyright Law.

How do students find reserve materials?
All reserve materials appear in the online library catalog. Look up the item by typing in the course number with no spaces (example: UFDN1000) or by the instructor's last name. Students should bring the call number to the Front Desk for the item they wish to check out. It is important to note that students may borrow only two reserve items at a time and must have a valid SPU ID card to check them out. Assistance for students trying to access course reserves is available at the Front Desk.

What difficulties with reserves frequently arise?
Materials are heavily used when on course reserve and sometimes suffer from unexpected wear-and-tear. When this happens, library staff will make an effort to inform the instructor.

What can faculty do to make accessing reserve materials easier?
Bring in materials for reserve two to three days before your students need to access them (or, before you've distributed your syllabus). Especially at the beginning of a term, please deliver materials with as much time to spare as possible.

Also, please list items on the Reserve Request Form in the same way you refer to these items on your syllabus. SPU owned items are entered into the online catalog by their official title, but faculty-owned items are given the title you provide on the reserve request form. Students will more easily be able to request the item at the front desk if the name on their course syllabus and the library reserve record are the same.

Does the Library manage electronic reserves?
No, however Educational Technology and Media can help scan and post PDF materials onto Canvas. If you are interested in posting a journal article or other printed media in your online course site, please contact ETM. All copyright regulations apply. Check the U.S. government’s fair-use policies before posting scanned documents to Canvas.

Test Files
This particular collection of materials has restricted access, which library staff enforces. If you are unsure about test-file policies, please speak with your librarian.